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First Master's Dissertation in Physics Using SIFS-SOAR Data Approved at UESC

Currently, several studies in Astrophysics aim to better understand the mechanisms of stellar formation.

These mechanisms help address open questions such as the composition and chemical evolution of different types of galaxies, the ionization mechanisms of gas in the interstellar medium (ISM), and the kinematics of the gas.

Regions where intense stellar formation processes occur are often challenging to study due to the various aspects of the interstellar medium influenced by their environment [1]. Therefore, simpler study objects are preferable!

In this context, using observations from two blue compact dwarf galaxies (BCDs) [2], conducted by the SOAR Telescope [3] equipped with a Integral Field Spectrograph (SIFS) capable of obtaining 2D images of the emission regions of intense spectral lines [4], we aimed to relate the kinematics of ionized gas to the ionization mechanisms present in each galaxy.

As a primary result, it was observed a correlation between the low chemical abundance in regions of high emission and the gas velocity dispersion (indicating regions with low turbulence) in HII galaxies, a topic that has been less discussed until now.


UESC Student Defends the First Dissertation Using SFIS Data from the SOAR Telescope

You have just read a summary of the conclusions from Vitor Gabriel Alves' Academic Master's Defense, titled "Stellar Formation in HII Galaxies." He is the newest Master of Physics graduate from UESC's Graduate Program, PROFÍSICA, supervised by Prof. Dr. Henri Plana. The online defense took place on April 14, 2023, with 37 attendees.

Prof. Dr. Luciano Fraga from the National Laboratory of Astrophysics - LNA was one of the honorary members of the Examination Committee. Among his detailed comments, Dr. Luciano stated that Vitor Gabriel's dissertation is the first to be developed using SFIS data, the Integral Field Spectrograph instrument of the SOAR Telescope. Dr. Luciano Fraga commented:

"(...) Vitor is contributing to the training of human resources in Astronomy using SFIS. This is an achievement for the Brazilian community. He is the first Astronomer to graduate using data from an instrument built by Brazil on a telescope (SOAR) located abroad. Congratulations! We are all very pleased with this."

Another highlight of the defense was the reaffirmation of the internationalization of scientific collaborations within UESC's PROFÍSICA Graduate Program, as another distinguished member of the Examination Committee was the Chilean scientist, Prof. Dr. Sergio Torres Flores from Universidad La Serena, who opened the session with profound questions that will further enrich Vitor Gabriel's research.


Recognition of Vitor's Contribution to the PROFÍSICA Board

Vitor's advisor, Prof. Dr. Henri Plana, expressed his pride, congratulated his student for his dedication, and offered his support in making the necessary adjustments for the final production.

In conclusion, the Coordinator of the PROFÍSICA Academic Master's Program, Prof. Dr. André Ribeiro, made his remarks and highlighted that Vitor served as the student representative on the board, demonstrating maturity in his proposals. Dr. André offered words of encouragement and urged Vitor to carry the sense of collective responsibility, shown during his master's, into future roles in institutional policies where he may contribute.


Flávia Vitória @adeccua

Vitor Gabriel Alves @vitorg_alves


[1] MHD-based simulation of a region undergoing a star formation burst.

[2] Tol 1004-296 (NGC 3125): ESA/Hubble & NASA, Acknowledgement: Judy Schmidt

[3] Southern Observatory for Astrophysical Research. Cerro Pachón, Chile. Source:

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