Scientific Careers in Physics: The Freedom to Work Beyond Academia
The journey after postgraduate studies in Physics is filled with dynamic and modern opportunities that go beyond the boundaries of...
Scientific Careers in Physics: The Freedom to Work Beyond Academia
Researchers from 8 states gather in Bahia to discuss the connections between mathematics and theoretical physics at a workshop for young scientists
First Master's Dissertation in Physics Using SIFS-SOAR Data Approved at UESC
Double Beta Decay without Neutrino Emission: Mechanism for Studying Physics Beyond the Standard Model
"Física Viva" promotes Science and Innovation in Bahia during the 2023 National Week of Science and Technology
Faculty members in Physics at UESC are members of International Observatories.
Developing Scientific Thinking: Scientific Initiation as a Bridge to the Future
Exploring Frontiers in Physics: The Inspiring Journey of Raquel